Monday, January 12, 2009

and i was enjoying myself so much!

plugged the diddy machine into a macbook, even though that isnt strictly recommended by anyone at all, ever. owner of macbook had 'hey ya' and 'muleskinner blues' and 'stand and deliver' on his i- tunes, and i needed said songs on the diddy machine so i could one day write about them on this blog. whaddyagonnado? forgive them for they know not what they do, etc. anyway so the upshot is, the diddy machine is DEAD. half of the songs on it disappeared into the ether, my pc refuses to acknowledge it, i reset it and now it has no music on it and i cant put any more music on it because the pc is all like 'yeah, you went with one of those mac sluts even though everyone said you werent compatible, and the slut stole your music and now you want me to get with you and deal with your sloppy macbook seconds? OH NO NO NO, BRO. THATS NOT HAPPENING. speak to the hand, because the face is not listening, etc'. i am distraught.

so anyway, im going to carry on as if i am turning on the diddy machine and hearing the first song and writing about it, even though i am patently not, because the diddy machine is DEAD DEAD DEAD. but lets pretend that i havent told you that. lets pretend that the pathetic conceit on which this blog is based has not collapsed like a deck of fucking cards just because i do not understand the true import of the phrase 'not compatible'. lets pretend that. please.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

1999- prince

oh my me. what do you say about 1999 in 2009? i dunno. what sort of scares me is that ive been alive long enough for 1999 to feel like a really long time away in both directions. when it came out you thought, '1999- wow, that really is the future. by then we'll all be zooming through the galaxy on microwave powered titanium electrobikes customised to look like unicorns and eating food that looks like fizz wizz, feels like fizz wizz, tastes of steak and chips and contains all the major food groups and added flouride. partying like 1999 will surely involve hoverboots, laser trousers and robot waitresses'. you know, sort of thing. now, in 2009, i listen to this song and think 'shit, 1999, thats nearly a decade, two boyfriends and a spiritual awakening ago. partying like it was 1999 would involve... red bull and UV nail varnish and sticking my head in a bass bin whilst shouting 'FUUUUUUCKING YEEEES MATE!' and making lameinoid T- for- TUNE hand gestures at every possible opportunity, preferably to something boisterous and amyl- y by the lo- fi allstars or fatboy slim'. if i think too hard about partying like 1999 i feel a bit sad and disjointed and more aware of my tinnitus issues than i would be ordinarily, so its best avoided, really.

Friday, January 9, 2009

good for no-one- herman dune

(okay! so the 'every day' thing isnt happening apparently! but thats fine! lets not freak out about it! okay!)

herman dune seem recently to have lost their umlaut, which is extremely careless of them. im not sure i can take to my bosom a band who are so cavalier with their diacritics. so, anyway, i really really love 'good for no- one', because it is doomy and brooding and very funny and generally good for listening to when you are on the top of a bus and it is raining and you are feeling kind of like the world is a massive bag of shit. but the lyrics make me wonder if someone said to david- ivar, 'hey, you should try to write a song that makes women want- for a split second- to fucking kill you' and he went 'yeah, that would be a funny experiment, ill do it'. i mean, its not his fault that he loves the girl in the song more than anyone hes ever met before, and wants to hold her hand.... but doesnt want to fuck her. thats not his fault. thats life! thats the way things happen sometimes. but it still makes me want- for a split second- to fucking kill him. i forgive him very quickly, because of the bit almost immediately afterwards where he talks about being called a freak by some small children. but its still an overwhelming sensation. for a split second. wanting... to kill him. (this is probably 'my stuff', as they say in self- help circles, and nothing to do with herman dune. almost definitely, in fact.)

Monday, January 5, 2009

(full disclosure: DJ OMG! Awesome doesnt actually have an IPod. she has a Creative Zen Stone. its black. its ever so diddy. you should see it.)

point of blog: not much point. i just thought it was a very long time since i wrote anything about music. mainly because i have this ridiculous 'i have lost my edge' thing going on because i dont listen to music radio any more or watch music television and last year i didnt hear 'umbrella' by rihanna until it had been out for like, nine weeks or something. was that last year? or the year before? *do you see what im saying here?*

but i still loves the music. i cant actually leave the house without my diddy zen stone. i get a bit twitchy without it. sometimes i get a bit twitchy when im listening to it and i start doing a little techno dance when im waiting for the the traffic lights to change. (i always think that other people must find themselves doing this, but i never see them. it reminds me of a conversation i was having with someone a couple of weeks ago, where we were talking about how we sometimes flinch and say 'NO!' out loud if we're thinking about an embarrassing past memory, in order to like, change the tape? i was very excited to find someone else who does this. he was saying 'is that mental, and proof that we are mental, or does everyone do that?' and i said 'im sure everyone does it. lets ask other people if they do it' and then we kind of looked at each other and said '...okay, lets not'.)

ANYWAY; heres the plan. every day i write about the first song that i hear when i switch on my MP3. about the song, or the person singing it, or a thing it reminds me of, or whatever. 200 words. every day. without fail. okay, there will probably be some failing. but ill give it a bash.